October 20, 2000
Forty new WebQuests added to the matrix. Several additions to the WebQuest Collections page.
October 9, 1999
The new matrix of examples is ready! Over 200 WebQuests now, including those submitted via the online form. The new list is broken down by grade level and the task type(s) of each are indicated. Also, the Seven Steps for Better Searching page has received Blue Web'n and Network Nuggets awards. New versions of the WebQuest template with thoroughly modern graphic rollovers are now available on the templates page.
August 20, 1999
A lot of new materials added to the Training Materials page, as well as a bit of rollover spiffity for the top page. Pay particular attention to the new templates. They make things much easier! The new WebQuest Community page contains links to the e-mail list, events, and monthly chats about WebQuesting.
April 23, 1999
Three dozen new sites added to the Examples Matrix. New materials for teaching searching added to the Training Materials page, along with a link to the Triton/Patterns Fall Symposium. New sites added to the WebQuest about WebQuests exercises.
January 24 , 1999
Several new sites from Indiana were added the Examples Matrix.
November 18 , 1998
New sites added to the WebQuest about WebQuests exercises.
August 14, 1998
Two new sites from Indiana were added to the Collections page. Keith Nuthall's project URLs were updated in the Examples Matrix. A new version of the WebQuest about WebQuests and the Thacher workshop have been added to the Training Materials.
June 24, 1998
The page was broken up into subpages and given a visual overhaul... just in time to be unveiled at the NECC 98 conference in San Diego. Thirty-three new quests were added to the matrix of examples.

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