Guide #1: Brainstorming
problems are not solved automatically by the first idea that
comes to mind. To get to the best solution it is important
to consider many possible solutions. One of the best ways to
do this is called brainstorming. Brainstorming is the
act of defining a problem or idea and coming up anything
related to the topic - no matter how remote a suggestion may
sound. All of these ideas are recorded and evaluated only
after the brainstorming is completed.
- In
a small or large group select a leader and a recorder
(they may be the same person).
- Define
the problem or idea to be brainstormed. Make sure
everyone is clear on the topic being explored.
- Set
up the rules for the session. They should include
- letting
the leader have control.
- allowing
everyone to contribute.
- ensuring
that no one will insult, demean, or evaluate another
participant or his/her response.
- stating
that no answer is wrong.
- recording
each answer unless it is a repeat.
- setting
a time limit and stopping when that time is up.
- Start
the brainstorming. Have the leader select members of the
group to share their answers. The recorder should write
down all responses, if possible so everyone can see them.
Make sure not to evaluate or criticize any answers until
done brainstorming.
- Once
you have finished brainstorming, go through the results
and begin evaluating the responses. Some initial
qualities to look for when examining the responses
- looking
for any answers that are repeated or
- grouping
like concepts together.
- eliminating
responses that definitely do not fit.
- Now
that you have narrowed your list down some, discuss
the remaining responses as a group.
page was designed by Dan
for the Triton
and Patterns Projects
of San Diego Unified School District. Last updated July 5,
to the