Most people use a search engine by simply typing a few words into the query box and then scrolling through whatever comes up. Sometimes their choice of words ends up narrowing the search unduly and causing them not to find what they're looking for. More often the end result of the search is a haystack of off-target web pages that must be combed through. You can do better than that, and that's what this page is about. The most comprehensive engine out there at the moment seems to be Google, and that's what we'll focus on here. The first step in becoming a facile catcher of web pages is to master Google's Advanced Search form located at Bookmark it! Drag the bookmark to your browser's toolbar so that it's always available. If you make a habit of using the four techniques described below, you'll be a much better searcher than 90% of all web-users. It's just four things, and each will provide you with a better net for information catching. NEW: Use this worksheet to record your search results. |
1: Start Narrow
If you know what you're after, why not start by asking
for it as precisely as you can? Think of all the words that would always appear on
the perfect page. Put those in the WITH
ALL THE WORDS field. Think of all the distracting pages that might also
turn up because one or more of your search terms has multiple meanings.
What words can you think of that might help you eliminate those pages?
Put those in the WITHOUT
field. If there's a term with synonyms, either of which might
appear on the page you're after, put them in the WITH ANY OF THE
WORDS field. Try each of the searches
now, and record how many sites you find. As you do
each search, take note of what kinds of things turn up.
Notice that the more specific the terms you include and
exclude, the more focused your search.
Imagine that you're
interested in the legendary lost continent of Atlantis. There
have been several movies with Atlantis in the title, but you're
not interested in them. You are also not interested in the space
shuttle Atlantis. Try this search... WITH ALL:
Atlantis continent Write the number of hits you get below. Here's how to search for it badly: WITH ALL:
Atlantis Here's another
search to try: Here's how to search for Waterbury, VT. badly: WITH: Waterbury
biggest problem people have with search engines (perhaps) is that they're
so good! You can type in a word and within a fraction of a second you'll
have 20,000 pages to look at. Most of those pages will not be exactly
what you're after, and you have to spend a load of time wading through
the 19,993 that aren't quite right.
WITHOUT: shuttle film movie
WITH ALL: Waterbury
Connecticut CT
2: Find Exact Phrases It's also useful when
you can remember a distinctive phrase in something you've read, but
now need to locate it. What's the rest of the poem that starts with
"Jenny kissed me when we met"? The ability to search
for phrases can be surprisingly useful. Do you suspect that something
your student turned in was plagiarized, or at least heavily borrowed
without attribution? Type in a phrase or two from the paper and see
if it turns up elsewhere! You can also check to see if your own work
is being copied without your permission. Another use for this
feature: stamping out urban legends. Next time you get an e-mail warning
you about a repressive new law about to pass or a vicious computer virus
about to attack, check it out before passing on misinformation to others.
Type in any unusual or unique phrase you see in the e-mail and see if
others have commented on this particular rumor.
You've heard of
a fine public university in the lower left corner of the United
States and you want to know more about it. Try this search... EXACT PHRASE:
San Diego State University Write the number of hits you get below. Here's how to search for it badly: WITH ALL:
Diego State University Here are some
more searches to try: EXACT PHRASE:
demonstrating genuine leadership
hang together in predictable ways. If you type a phrase into the EXACT
PHRASE field in Google, you'll be able to locate pages in which those
words appear together in that order. This is obviously useful for finding
things that have a proper name consisting of several words (e.g., places,
book titles, people).
PHRASE: Jenny kissed me when we met
Net 3: Trim Back the URL Often you'll find a terrific page nestled deep down inside a folder inside a folder inside a folder. You suspect that there are other pages you'd find interesting nearby. How to you find them? Trim the URL step by step. Sometimes you'll get a notice saying FORBIDDEN! Sometimes you'll get a list of files and directories. Sometimes you'll get an web page with more links. Each step back tells you more about where the page came from. This is also a good strategy to try when a page goes missing (that is, you get a 404 message). Perhaps someone at the site moved the page into a new folder or renamed a folder. Trace your way back to the top and drill down again to see if you can find it.
You found this
Romeo & Juliet WebQuest that you really like. Are there more
like that where this one came from? Start here: Now
trim away the last part: What do you see? Trim it again, Sam: |
Net 4: Look for Similar Pages How does Google know that two pages are similar? The details of the inner workings of search engines are a trade secret, but it's safe to assume that it's based on similarities in the words and the external links on each page. All that matters is that it works surprisingly well, especially when you're not sure what key words to look for. Use this tool to find more of a good thing. Use it to find pages that are linked to a page that you find useful. Chances are, those pages might be useful to you, too. And there's always ego surfing: if you've uploaded a page of your own to a public server and it's been there for awhile, find out who else is linking to it.
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So, to recap... remembering the word NETS will help you to remember the four techniques you just experimented with:
If you can keep these four phrases in mind, you'll be a much better searcher than you were a few minutes ago! And to add to your bag of tricks, you might also want to check out the Specialized Search Engines page. Return to the WebQuest Page |